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Audio Downloads for Pentatonic Scale Fluency

Pentatonic Fluency

All of the audio for the book Pentatonic Fluency can be downloaded from this page.

All files are in mp3 format and can be downloaded separately or all combined into a single zip file including all exercise examples and backing tracks.

Note: Some browsers will play the mp3's instead of downloading so you may need to right click and save file. Otherwise download the zip file if your browser won't allow mp3 downloads.

Practice / backing tracks in each key.

Thank you for purchasing this book, I do hope you find it useful. I will appreciate any comments and suggestions about the content, good or bad. You can do so by leaving a review on Amazon (always appreciated as they are very hard to get these days) or feel free to contact me directly:
All comments or questions welcome.

Click here to leave a Review at Amazon.com

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Ready to take things further?

Check out my course on Soundslice - Pentatonic Workshop

Buy for $5.99 if you already own the Pentatonic Scale Fluency book (See Below)

This course is a step by step walk through on guitar soloing in the style of Rock and Blues, covering the common techniques and how to use the pentatonic scales to create better sounding guitar solos.

This course uses the amazing Soundslice system allowing you to follow the TABs in realtime, slow down and loop sections that you need to spend more time on. If you've not yet discovered Soundslice then just think of it as a playable book. The best way to experience it is to take a look at the sample pages included with the course

Throughout the course we start with minor pentatonic with basic soloing and practice ideas, before moving on to major pentatonic and mixing the two together to create the Mixolydian blues sound. Packed with audio examples and TABs.

It's not for complete beginners but anybody with basic chord knowledge and preferably some scale playing experience should have no trouble following.

How to get a 60% discount if you already own this book:

Go to the chapter titled "Breaking Up the Box Patterns"
In the first sentence where it says: "In my opinion, learning the traditional hidden Box Patterns is"
Find the word that sits between "traditional" and "Box" and use it for the coupon code which can be applied by clicking on "Enter a promo code" right below the Add to Cart button on the page in the link below

Check it out here - Pentatonic Workshop

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